How to burn belly fat effortlessly?

Despite all your sacrifices, abdominal fat persists ? Losing belly fat requires a lot of stimulation. It's summer and you don't feel like making an effort because it's the holidays and ice cream is calling you?

We understand you. D-LAB gives you its tips for burning fat without sport or diet.

There are several points to address to burn fat without exercise.

Read also:  why losing belly fat is difficult? 

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I. Burn belly fat, our advice

1. Reduce digestive disorders

First, it is necessary to reduce digestive disorders , we explain why.

Burning fat without sport also involves digestion. You must have already heard about the “microbiota”, especially with us.

The microbiota is the living world inhabiting our intestines. It is made up of good and bad bacteria. This mixture of bacteria must be in symbiosis for our body to be efficient.

A symbiosis, which means that there must be more good bacteria than bad ones.

When this is not the case, we speak of dysbiosis, we say that the microbiota is altered. The concern is that during intestinal dysbiosis, many functions slow down in our body, such as metabolism and weight loss for example.

Indeed, an altered intestinal microbiota disrupts the hormonal system, but we need a good hormonal balance to lose weight and especially to burn fat without sport!

If you are reading this paragraph carefully, it is because you certainly want to reduce digestive disorders linked to altered intestinal microbiota.

Digestive disorders include: long digestion, fat storage, poor transit, abdominal swelling.

Read also:  swollen belly, responsible foods

How to reduce digestive disorders:

  • Rebalance your microbiota with Absolu Probiopure, a formula composed of five strains of lactic ferments (good bacteria) most similar to those in our intestines;
  • Rebalance your neuro-hormonal system with Balance Activator, a formula containing active precursors of serotonin, the happiness hormone, and melatonin, the sleep hormone.

Sometimes our stomach is swollen and we think it's fat when it's actually bloating due to either an unbalanced microbiota or intestinal hyperpermeability. To resolve the latter, you must supplement with L-Glutamine. At D-LAB we have: Absolute L-Glutamine.

Furthermore, by accelerating digestion, we avoid storing less.

To help you digest faster to burn fat without exercise, D-LAB offers the Enzymatic Slimming Complex: a concentrate of multiple digestive enzymes to transform ingested fats and sugars more quickly and store less!

2. Capture fats upstream

Our second tip, to burn fat without sport, is to capture them directly in the stomach, even before they are assimilated!

And this is thanks to nopal. Nopal to capture fats ? What is it?

Nopal is a fiber from the prickly pear cactus. A nopal fiber captures more than 36 times its weight in fat.

Fiber swells in the stomach and makes you feel full. It is an excellent slimming ally and helps calm cravings. This is a good way to burn fat without sport, since you avoid maintaining your fat level in the abdominal area.

At D-LAB, find nopal to capture fats under the name of Nopal Absolute . It is taken occasionally before a big meal to avoid overindulging.

3. How to eliminate excess

To eliminate excess fat, it is essential to promote good blood and lymphatic circulation. Poor circulation can lead to a buildup of fats and toxins. 

D-LAB offers solutions such as the Active Circulation Complex or the Action-Capitons Program to boost venous return and help eliminate excess fat.

4. How to burn abdominal fat naturally?

a. How to get rid of belly fat?

To get rid of belly fat, it is crucial to stimulate the metabolism. D-LAB's Metabolism Activator uses the lever of thermogenesis to mobilize fats and transform them into energy.

b. How do I melt my belly fat?

Melting belly fat requires a comprehensive approach. D-LAB's Fat Burning Program combines several formulas for synergistic action: Metabolism Activator, Active Energy Complex and Slimming Detox.

II. Diet to burn belly fat

1. Foods to help burn abdominal fat

Certain foods are particularly effective in helping burn abdominal fat.

Foods rich in fiber, such as green vegetables, red fruits and whole grains, promote good digestion and help capture fat.

Lean proteins, such as fish and legumes or chicken, are also essential for maintaining muscle mass and boosting metabolism.

The best foods for burning belly fat are those that increase metabolism, promote satiety and improve digestion. 

Among them, we find red fruits such as raspberries and blueberries, rich in antioxidants and fiber, which help regulate intestinal transit and combat bloating. 

Leafy green vegetables, such as spinach and kale, are also beneficial thanks to their high fiber and essential nutrients. 

Lean proteins, such as chicken, fish and eggs, are essential for maintaining muscle mass and boosting metabolism. 

Avocados, although high in fat, contain monounsaturated fatty acids that can help reduce belly fat. 

Chia and flax seeds, thanks to their high fiber and omega-3 content, are excellent additions to a diet aimed at burning belly fat. 

Finally,spices like turmeric and ginger have anti-inflammatory and thermogenic properties that can increase fat burning and improve digestion.

2. What to drink to help burn abdominal fat

Drinking enough water is crucial for flushing out toxins and promoting fat burning.

Green teas and herbal infusions, such as ginger or mint tea, are also beneficial for boosting metabolism and helping with digestion.

Belly fat burning drinks play a crucial role in the weight loss process. Among these, lemon water is particularly recommended. Lemon is rich in vitamin C and has detoxifying properties that promote digestion and help eliminate toxins. 

Drinking a glass of warm water with lemon juice every morning can boost metabolism and prepare the digestive system for the day.

Green tea is another effective drink for burning abdominal fat. This tea contains catechins, powerful antioxidants that increase thermogenesis and promote fat burning. 

Consuming three to four cups of green tea daily can help reduce body fat, especially around the abdominal area.

Ginger-based infusions are also beneficial. Ginger is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to speed up metabolism. A ginger infusion with a touch of honey and lemon can be a great drink to help burn belly fat.

Finally, green smoothies, made with vegetables such as cucumber, celery, spinach and parsley, are rich in fiber and essential nutrients. 

They promote satiety and help regulate intestinal transit, thus contributing to an effective reduction of abdominal fat.

3. Recipe to help burn belly fat

Here is a simple recipe to help eliminate abdominal fat:

  • Quinoa and green vegetable salad:

Mix cooked quinoa with fresh spinach, cucumbers, avocado and chia seeds. Season with lemon juice, olive oil and a pinch of sea salt.

  • Fat burning smoothie: 

Preparation based on natural and nutritious ingredients, known for their beneficial effects on weight loss. 

- Start by blending a banana, a handful of fresh spinach, a tablespoon of pure honey and chia seeds, and a cup of almond milk in a blender. 

- Add a pinch of cinnamon to boost your metabolism and give extra flavor to your smoothie. 

This drink, rich in fiber and protein, will help you feel fuller for longer, while promoting the burning of abdominal fat. 

Remember that the consumption of this smoothie must be accompanied by a healthy and balanced diet to obtain optimal results.

III. How does the satiety hormone work?

The satiety hormone is called leptin. Some studies show that this leptin is secreted less in obese and overweight subjects. This is why it is sometimes difficult to stop eating and lose your belly fat.

This is why burning fat without exercise is accompanied by an aid to satiety.

To burn fat without sport, there are also other supplements that will be your best friends: the fat-burning supplement .

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For us, the star is the Fat Burning Program: a synergy of three formulas to help you lose weight in general and burn fat without sport: the Metabolism Activator, which, through the lever of thermogenesis, will stimulate the metabolism and mobilize fats to transform them into energy, the Active Energy Complex which also contributes to burning fat without sport, and the Slimming Detox, which eliminates toxins and dissolved fats .

The fat burning supplement works internally and is more effective than slimming creams that only reach 20% of cells.

Sometimes, fats are blocked by poor blood circulation, and to burn fat without exercise, simply restart venous return, with our Active Circulation Complex or our Action-Capitons Program for example!

IV. Change your eating habits

1. Tips for eliminating excess abdominal fat

has. How to lose belly fat quickly?

To eliminate belly fat quickly, it is essential to combine a balanced diet with suitable food supplements. D-LAB's Enzymatic Slimming Complex helps to transform ingested fats and sugars faster, thus reducing their storage.

V. Our health and diet advice that does not require (too much) effort

  • Eat slowly: it takes 20 minutes for the brain to understand that you have reached satiety. Eating slowly will make you eat smaller quantities and therefore burn fat without exercise.

  • Put the fork down after each bite: in the same logic, we save time!

  • Walk after a meal, take a stroll: walking stimulates the body and digestion, and is good for your health!

  • Swap your car for cycling or walking: in addition to contributing to the good of the planet, you lose weight easily.

  • choose the stairs rather than the escalators or the elevator: a few steps will not hurt you, quite the contrary!

  • Don't snack between meals: the key to losing abdominal fat.

You are now ready :)

How to get rid of belly fat?

To get rid of belly fat, it is crucial to boost your metabolism. D-LAB's Metabolism Activator uses the lever of thermogenesis to mobilize fat and transform it into energy. This approach allows you to burn fat effectively and naturally, without requiring a strict diet or intensive exercise, while supporting the overall well-being of the body thanks to a high-quality and bioavailable formulation.

How do I melt my belly fat?

Melting belly fat requires a comprehensive approach. D-LAB's Fat Burning Program combines several formulas for synergistic action: Metabolism Activator, Active Energy Complex and Slimming Detox. This synergy of products helps mobilize fat, stimulate metabolism and eliminate toxins, offering a complete and effective solution to burn abdominal fat naturally and sustainably.

How to lose belly fat quickly?

To eliminate belly fat quickly, it is essential to combine a balanced diet with suitable food supplements. D-LAB's Enzymatic Slimming Complex helps to transform ingested fats and sugars faster, thus reducing their storage. Thanks to a high-quality and bioavailable formulation, this supplement allows you to burn fat effectively and naturally, without requiring a strict diet or intensive exercise.