complément alimentaire magnésium
magnésium bisglycinate
complément magnésium bisglycinate
complément alimentaire de magnésium
Absolu de magnésium D-LAB

Magnesium Absolute

Sale price24,00€


Une formule innovante qui réunit 3 formes différentes de magnésium (glycérophosphate, bisglycinate et oxyde microencapsulé), des vitamines du groupe B et D pour une efficacité maximale et une assimilation parfaite. Idéale en cas de grosse fatigue et de stress, elle permet de retrouver énergie, motivation et sérénité.

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Magnesium is an essential mineral salt for our body. It plays an important role in muscle and nerve functioning.

Although it is present in our diet, the majority of French people lack magnesium: their intakes are lower than the recommendations. Thus, a lack of magnesium most often results in physical and mental fatigue, which is sometimes accompanied by muscle and joint pain, stress. strong>, irritability and lack of sleep.

It is essential to provide our body with enough magnesium daily to avoid these signs of deficiency.

Magnesium Absolute provides the necessary dose for your body to deploy its full physical and mental potential.

Its formula contains magnesium glycerophosphate and bisglycinate and microencapsulated magnesium oxide to promote perfect bioavailabilityand optimal effectiveness. It also combines vitamins from groups B and D to boost the assimilation of magnesium as well as its action in our body.

The effectiveness of a food supplement based on magnesium depends mainly on the chemical form in which the mineral is present. Indeed, magnesium must be soluble and bioavailable so that the body can assimilate it optimally! D-LAB Nutricosmetics has chosen for its Magnesium Absolute to combine 3 different forms of this mineral, in order to boost its effects and improve its bioavailability.


Essential to the proper functioning of the body, magnesium is involved in more than 300 cellular biochemical reactions. It is particularly involved in energy production and in the muscular and nervous system.

Given its multiple functions, it is not surprising that a magnesium deficiency can quickly weaken the body! Thus, fatigue is very often caused and accentuated by a lack of magnesium. Muscles that lack magnesium will function poorly.

For athletes, magnesium is also beneficial because it also increases muscle mass, while allowing the proper functioning of the muscles.¹

Magnesium Absolute provides supplementation of natural origin and optimal for people suffering from magnesium deficiency. This treatment helps reduce fatigue and restore shape, physical and mental.


Magnesium is essential for the balance of our nervous system. It is necessary for cognition and mood. The lack of magnesium stresses our body and forces it to eliminate a significant part of its magnesium resources. However, we need this mineral to relieve stress and tension, to concentrate and be in a good mood.

  • Magnesium stimulates the release of serotonin, also called the “happiness hormone”. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that calms and helps eliminate stress.
  • Magnesium acts as a real muscle relaxant. During sleep, it allows the body to be more relaxed and relaxed overall, which allows for better recovery.

Magnesium Absolute is beneficial for anyone experiencing fatigue and irritability. The same is true when sleep is difficult, unrefreshing and restless. Recovery is thus optimized.


In pregnant women, magnesium is particularly important. During the nine months of pregnancy, nutritional needs change and increase. The use of supplementation is a solution indicated for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Due to its effects on fitness, magnesium allows the future mother to stay in shape despite the ailments and difficulties of this delicate period.

  • During pregnancy, good magnesium intake helps effectively combat fatigue, nervousness and pregnancy ailments.

Magnesium Absolute helps pregnant women meet their growing needs. It acts on the overall well-being and good development of the child.

The actions

Reduces fatigue

Magnesium is involved in energy production and the functioning of the muscular and nervous system, thus helping to reduce fatigue.

Fight against stress

Magnesium stimulates the release of serotonin, soothes and helps eliminate stress, acting as a muscle relaxant.

Supports pregnancy and breastfeeding

Magnesium is essential for pregnant and breastfeeding women, it fights effectively against fatigue and nervousness, contributing to their overall well-being and the good development of the child.

Improves magnesium assimilation

This formula is enriched with vitamins from groups B and D, which boost the assimilation of magnesium and support metabolism.

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Made in our home in Auvergne



Le format 1 mois contient 56 gélules dans un flacon en verre. Le format 3 mois contient 168 gélules dans un flacon en verre.