Dry scalp: our natural solutions

The scalp is a very fragile area that requires our full attention to prevent dandruff, itching and excess sebum. Many people are prone to dry scalp problems. Understanding and knowing its causes is the first step to improving your hair health and finding suitable solutions .

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I. Causes of a dry scalp

A. Symptoms and signs

1. Itching

Itching is often the first sign of a dry scalp. They can be caused by a multitude of factors, including harsh hair products, climate changes and stress.

2. Irritation

Scalp irritation may manifest as redness and a burning sensation. This may be due to allergens in certain hair products or prolonged exposure to the sun.

3. Hair loss

A dry scalp can also lead to hair loss. When the scalp is dehydrated, hair follicles can become fragile and hair can fall out more easily.

4. Dead skin and dandruff

The presence of dead skin and dandruff is another common sign of a dry scalp. These white particles can be visible on hair and clothing, often causing embarrassment.

5. Very dry, itchy scalp

A very dry scalp can cause intense itching, making the situation even more uncomfortable. It is essential to treat this problem to avoid further damage to the scalp.

B. The different types

1. In humans

Men can also suffer from dry scalp, often due to the use of harsh hair products or frequent shaving. Solutions to soothe and moisturize the scalp are similar to those recommended for women.

2. Oily and dry hair

It is possible to have an oily scalp and dry hair. This may be due to excessive sebum production by the scalp, while the lengths of the hair remain dehydrated. A balance must be found to address both issues simultaneously.

3. And frizzy hair

Frizzy hair is particularly prone to dryness due to its spiral structure, which prevents sebum from being distributed evenly. Specific and moisturizing treatments are necessary to maintain a healthy scalp and well-nourished hair.

4. Very dry and filmy

A very dry scalp can often be accompanied by dandruff. Dandruff is flakes of dead skin that shed from the scalp. It is important to use gentle and moisturizing products to treat this problem.

C. External factors

1. Climate and environment

Weather conditions can greatly affect scalp health. Extreme temperatures, whether hot or cold, can disrupt the skin's natural balance. Dry air in winter as well as prolonged exposure to the sun in summer can both contribute to scalp dehydration.

2. Harsh hair products

Some hair products contain harsh ingredients that can irritate and dry out the scalp. Shampoos containing sulfates, for example, can strip natural oils, while chemical hair colors and treatments can also cause damage. It is essential to choose gentle products adapted to your hair type.

3. Stress and lifestyle

Stress and an unbalanced lifestyle can have a negative impact on scalp health. Chronic stress can disrupt sebum production, leading to an unbalanced scalp. Additionally, a diet low in essential nutrients can also contribute to dryness.

D. Internal factors

1. Hormonal imbalances

Hormonal variations can influence scalp health. For example, hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy, menopause or due to certain medical conditions can cause dry scalp. Hormones play a crucial role in regulating sebum production, and any imbalance can affect this regulation.

2. Underlying health conditions

Certain health conditions can also cause a dry scalp. Dermatological conditions such as eczema or psoriasis can cause dryness and irritation. Additionally, thyroid problems can also affect scalp health. It is important to consult a healthcare professional to get a proper diagnosis.

3. Aging

The natural aging process can also contribute to dry scalp. As we age, sebum production decreases, which can lead to loss of moisture and drier skin. It is therefore crucial to adapt your hair care routine to meet the changing needs of your scalp over time.

E. Bad hair habits

1. Washing too frequently

Washing your hair too frequently can strip the scalp of its natural oils, leading to dehydration. It is recommended to space out washes and use gentle shampoos to preserve the natural balance of the scalp.

2. Excessive use of heat

Frequent use of heated appliances such as hair dryers, straighteners and curling irons can cause damage and dry out the scalp. It is advisable to limit the use of these devices and apply thermal protectants to minimize damage.

3. Tight hairstyles

Hairstyles that are too tight, such as ponytails, braids or buns, can put pressure on the scalp and disrupt blood circulation. This can lead to irritation and increased dryness. It is better to opt for looser hairstyles to avoid these problems.

II. How to treat a dry scalp?

A. Solutions to calm him down

1. Take care of your diet

What is on our plate plays an essential role for our hair and treating a dry scalp! First of all, you must avoid regular consumption of cold meats, red meats, refined flour, white sugar, etc.

In order to avoid having a dry scalp and regain strong hair, you must consume proteins to produce quality keratin, which is the major component of hair.

Proteins are mainly found in meats and fish which contain amino acids that are precursors to keratin. Oily fish, such as salmon, sardines and mackerel, are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which help moisturize and nourish dry scalp. But it is also found in eggs, cheese, quinoa, legumes, lentils, etc.

Beyond protein, a lack of B vitamins can lead to health problems related to a dry scalp such as hair loss, itchy and itchy dry scalp, and flaky skin.

Vitamin B is therefore also very valuable for our hair. It supports growth and strengthens hair. It is mainly found in cereal products.

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2. Hair food supplements

For people who do not have a healthy and balanced diet, a hair food supplement can help and be the solution to fill a gap in their diet.

At D-LAB NUTRICOSMETICS, we offer hair food supplements adapted to all types of hair problems: hair loss, fine, gray, damaged hair, dry scalp, etc. no matter our hair type, To have a healthy mane you have to take care of our hair fiber.

To rebalance your scalp in a lasting manner, we recommend:

The Growth Complex to accelerate hair growth and strengthen it, it deeply nourishes the hair bulb by providing it with a high dose of all the active ingredients that make up keratin, and stimulates its activity thanks to an innovative complex of bamboo and rocket extracts.

The Hair Mass Program , which is a complete program made up of 3 formulas that work together to restore imbalances and densify hair mass.

At the heart of this program, 22 active ingredients act in synergy to act on hair loss and gain hair mass. Thanks to a pure and innovative keratin, the program has an anti-hair loss action and stimulates the regrowth of the hair fiber, two activities demonstrated by clinical study 1 . 

3. Balance activator

An expert formula composed of 15 active ingredients which act in synergy to rebalance the body. It stimulates serotonin, regulates neuro-hormonal activity, promotes restful sleep and brings daily vitality.

4. Keratin Absolute

A jewel of French Green-Tech that breathes new life into the most demanding, damaged and tired hair. Powerful anti-hair loss, it provides a high dose of patented and perfectly assimilable keratin to fill gaps, give structure and increase volume.

5. Microcirculation detox

So that the tissues are purified, reoxygenated and deeply nourished, this mineral and plant formula promotes the elimination of toxins, restarts circulation in the micro vessels and facilitates the delivery of essential nutrients to the heart of the dermis.

B. Good practices in daily life

1. Use mild shampoos

Gentle, sulfate-free shampoos are essential to preserve the natural balance of the scalp. Sulfates, often found in traditional shampoos, can be too harsh and strip away the natural oils that protect and moisturize the scalp. Opting for shampoos formulated with natural, gentle ingredients, like aloe vera or chamomile, can help maintain optimal hydration.

2. Space out washes

It is recommended to space out hair washing to avoid depriving the scalp of its natural oils. Washing your hair every two to three days helps preserve these essential oils and maintain a balanced scalp. On no-shampoo days, you can use a dry shampoo to refresh your hair without getting it wet.

3. Massage the scalp

Scalp massage stimulates blood circulation, which can help nourish hair follicles and promote hair growth. Using fingertips to gently massage the scalp in circular motions for a few minutes each day can also help reduce stress, a contributing factor to dryness.

4. Protect against external aggressions

External aggressions, such as the sun, wind, and pollution, can dry out the scalp. It is important to protect your hair and scalp by wearing a hat or using hair products with UV protection. Additionally, rinsing hair after exposure to chlorinated swimming pool water can also prevent dehydration.

5. Avoid heating appliances

Frequent use of heated appliances like hair dryers, straighteners and curling irons can damage the scalp and hair. It is best to let hair air dry as much as possible. If the use of a heating device is necessary, it is advisable to apply a heat protectant to minimize damage.

D. Natural ingredients to favor

1. Jojoba oil

Jojoba oil is particularly beneficial for hydrating and nourishing the scalp. Its composition is similar to that of the sebum produced by our scalp, making it an excellent natural moisturizer. Applying a few drops of jojoba oil and massaging gently can help reduce dryness while adding shine to the hair.

2. Aloe vera gel

Aloe vera gel has moisturizing and soothing properties that can relieve irritation and deeply hydrate. Applying pure aloe vera gel directly to the scalp and leaving it on for 30 minutes before rinsing can help soothe itching and nourish hair.

3. Shea butter

Rich in vitamins and fatty acids, shea butter is a nourishing ingredient that can help restore moisture. It can be applied in small quantities to the scalp and hair to provide intense hydration and protect against external aggressions.

4. Castor oil

Known for its strengthening and hydrating properties, castor oil can be used to improve scalp health. Massaging a small amount of castor oil into the scalp and leaving it on for a few hours or overnight before washing the hair can help strengthen hair follicles and increase hair shine.

E. Specific care

1. Product to soothe

Hair products based on panthenol, vitamins B5 and betaine are recommended for their calming effect, they create a protective and moisturizing film on the surface of dry scalp.

2. Care to relieve it

Include essential oils in your hair routine, which also help combat irritation due to a dry scalp. Tea tree clarifies and cleanses the skin and lavender calms itching.

Mix coconut oil with a few drops of tea tree and lavender essential oil and then massage your dry scalp with this mixture. Let it sit for 30 minutes before shampooing.

3. Specific treatment

When we have a dry scalp, we tend to use hair oils that are too greasy and therefore, to end up with the opposite problem, fatty substances must be handled with caution. Coconut oil helps treat dry scalp and therefore gently eliminate dandruff.

Above all, you must avoid overly aggressive shampoos and choose a gentle and moisturizing shampoo based on eggs or urea which leaves the hair clean without attacking the hair. 'epidermis. Anti-dandruff shampoos should be used in moderation. You should also avoid hairstyles that are too tight (bun, braids or ponytail), leaving your hair free is ideal.

F. Actions to avoid

1. Avoid harsh chemicals

Products containing sulfates, parabens and silicones can worsen dry scalp. It is best to choose hair products with natural ingredients and no harsh chemicals. In addition, frequent hair coloring can also be a cause of this dryness. Favoring ammonia-free and less frequent coloring can help maintain the natural balance of the scalp.

2. Do not scratch or rub excessively.

Scratching or rubbing the scalp excessively can lead to irritation and inflammation. It is important to adopt gentle gestures when washing and drying your hair. Using microfiber towels and avoiding vigorous combing can help prevent damage.

3. Avoid tight hairstyles

Hairstyles that are too tight, such as high ponytails or tight braids, can put excessive pressure on the scalp and hair follicles. It is advisable to opt for looser hairstyles and leave hair free as much as possible to avoid pulling and damage.

4. Limit the use of styling products

Styling products like gels, mousses and hairsprays may contain drying ingredients. Limiting their use and choosing alcohol-free styling products can help maintain scalp hydration. Additionally, it is important to rinse the hair well to remove any product buildup.

G. Professional treatments

1. Consultation with a dermatologist

If dryness persists despite home care, it may be helpful to consult a dermatologist. This healthcare professional can assess the condition of the scalp and recommend specific treatments, such as medicated lotions or therapeutic shampoos, which may be more effective in treating severe cases.

2. Institute care

Professional salon treatments, such as steam treatments, scalp massages and intensive hair masks, can also be beneficial. These treatments are often formulated with highly concentrated ingredients and can provide faster, longer-lasting results. Additionally, hair care experts can provide personalized advice and suitable product recommendations.

3. Light therapy

Light therapy, or phototherapy, uses special lights to treat various scalp conditions. This method can help stimulate blood circulation, reduce inflammation and encourage hair growth. It is usually performed in a dermatology office and may be an option for those seeking advanced solutions.

By combining these different approaches, it is possible to effectively treat dry scalp and regain healthy, shiny hair. It is important to remain patient and follow a regular skincare routine to achieve the best results.