When to take dietary supplements for your hair?

compléments alimentaires cheveux secs

I want to take one hair food supplement, but when? 

Please note that there is no specific period necessary to begin treatment. Every day of the year is a good opportunity to start :) 

And yes, our diet is so impoverished that supplementing is necessary, supplements are natural nutritional remedies for good health. Nutritional deficiency is a real scourge these days.

Did you know that you would have to eat 100 apples today to get the vitamin C content of a single apple 70 years ago? 

The strength of our hair is found in what we eat, at the very heart of our lifestyle. 

Okay, but when is the right time to supplement? We will explain everything to you during this guide to hair food supplements.

When the leaves fall...or the buds are born!

We all know that certain seasons are more conducive to hair loss than others: spring and autumn are seasons of renewal, and our hair follows this natural process. 

It has then become commonplace to lose your hair during these periods. We can choose to stop this loss before it even begins, to strengthen their shine, their tone and their regrowth, thanks to a hair food supplement

We talk about “one” but in reality the hair bulb requires many active ingredients! B group vitamins such as biotin, trace elements, minerals, sulfur amino acids, etc. 

These ingredients produce what is most precious to our scalp: keratin. 

Keratin is a protein that makes up our hair. It is she who cements the hair to its bulb. It is she who weaves the hair fiber completely, which fills in the scales. 

So we have three choices: you can take all the constituent elements of keratin to make your hair grow very quickly, ultimately this amounts to consuming a Growth Complex.  

compléments cheveux

For those prone to oily hair, know that the D-LAB Growth Complex contains nettle, which regulates sebum.

You can also take ready-made keratin for seasonal anti-hair loss action or at any time of the year.

Or we play it serenity and perfection by consuming both in a super Duo . If you take brewer's yeast at the same time, no worries! Everything is compatible, as long as there is no overdose of active ingredients. Our supplements are not tablets. They come in the form of vegetarian, gastro-resistant capsules, which reinforces their assimilation and bioavailability. Much better than ampoules!

Some of you notice hair loss at other times of the year. This is entirely possible and normal because their fall does not only depend on the seasons. This is why all months of the year are good for taking hair supplements.

Hormonal storm?

However, there are times that are very favorable for taking food supplements: following a hormonal upheaval. The hormonal upheaval can be childbirth, pregnancy, a change in contraceptive pills, menopause, etc. 

During these times, the body is put under strain and can cause damage such as damaged or falling hair.

It is necessary to rebalance the neuro-hormonal system to treat the cause of hair loss and not just stop it at the moment. To do this, you must provide your body with active ingredients that are precursors of well-being, because stress disrupts the hormonal system. This is why when you are under great emotional stress, it is also a good time to take food supplements. 

compléments alimentaires cheveux ternes

Obviously, external care in addition to the capsules is welcome. Massage your scalp with castor oil, fortifying and stimulating, wash your hair with natural shampoos, to avoid dry and brittle hair and promote healthy regrowth with good vitality. Scalp massage also activates blood microcirculation and oxygenates the vessels. With it, I do good to my hair.

How regular should I be?

The capsules, rich in vitamins and natural products, can be taken at any time of the day. Over time, we advise you to follow your cures for a minimum of three months. 

The hair cycle follows several growth phases, which in total last three months. Thus, with a hair food supplement taken over this period of time, you support the cellular cycles of your hair from their birth until their end. You will find a beautiful mane, sublimated hair beauty, healthy hair. 

How do I include my supplements in my beauty routine?

Many of us have very precise and regular routines: shampoo, conditioner, lotions, vegetable oils (argan, coconut, castor oil, etc.), brushing, hair masks to leave on, etc. 

With this whole process, ingesting a few small capsules seems minimal! Hop, between two treatments, I open my bottle of capsules and I take care of my hair from the inside. 

Clean, cruelty free, gluten-free and made in France, all of our formulas are composed of natural active ingredients extracted without chemical processes, and will become a true beauty ally to your hair routine. 

Thanks to our hair food supplement treatments, you will regain the desired hair mass, your hair will regain all its health and become as strong and shiny as before this massive exposure to the sun and all these factors deteriorating your hair beauty.