complexe ongles parfaits
ongles mous
ongles dédoublés
ongles striés
ongles cassants
complexe ongles parfaits

Perfect Nails Complex

Sale price28,00€

Nourishes & strengthens - 2 months

Une formule 100% d’origine naturelle et vegan pour renforcer les ongles mous, cassants, striés ou dédoublés. Enrichi en vitamines, minéraux, oligoéléments et acides aminés, ce complexe nourrit l’ongle en profondeur et favorise la synthèse de kératine, le principal constituant des phanères.

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The nail is made up of keratin, a fibrous protein which can easily be weakened by daily physical and chemical attacks: cold, water, chemicals, shocks, etc. The condition of our nails can also say a lot about our health. A change in the appearance, texture or shape of nails may indicate nutrient deficiencies. In general, soft, brittle, ridged or split nails are a sign of zinc, iron, vitamin B and selenium deficiency.

The Perfect Nail Complex nourishes the nail from the inside and provides the nutrients, vitamins and trace elements necessary for the constitution of keratin and the health of the nail.


The nail is made up of 90% keratin. It is a protein, belonging to the fibrous protein family made up of amino acids, including methionine and cystine.
Keratin constitutes the material making up the translucent and hard part of the nails. It ensures their solidity, their protection, their growth and their impermeability.

The Perfect Nails Complex contains the essential active constituents of keratin: methionine, cystine and MSM (methyl-sulfonyl-methane) considered as a source of sulfur for the synthesis of keratin.

Nettle helps to strengthen weakened nails. Its aerial part is rich in numerous active ingredients which consolidate the nails to make them stronger and less brittle.


This formula is rich in vitamins and trace elements essential for good nail health.

  • Zinc is a trace element necessary for cell growth and division. It stimulates healthy growth and renewal of nails.
  • selenium and vitamin B2 contribute to protect cells from oxidative stress and maintain healthy nails.
  • Vitamin B9 is important for nail growth and health. It contributes to the formation of red blood cells and the development of new cells. A deficiency can cause a change in pigment in the nails and make them stiff and brittle.
  • Iron is necessary to provide cells with the oxygen they need for healthy nails. Iron deficiency can affect the shape and appearance of nails.
  • Vitamin C is essential for the production of collagen, a protein that is the building block of nails. Vitamin C deficiency can lead to brittle nails, as well as slowed nail growth.

The actions

Strengthens the structure of the nail

This formula strengthens the structure of nails thanks to methionine, cystine and MSM, fundamental active ingredients for the synthesis of keratin. Nettle, rich in minerals and trace elements, also participates in this action.

Nourishes the nail from the inside

This complex provides deep nutrition to the nails thanks to a composition rich in vitamins, minerals, trace elements and amino acids, promoting the synthesis of keratin.

Maintains nail structure

Vitamins and trace elements essential to the structure of the nail, such as zinc, selenium, vitamin B2, vitamin B9, iron and vitamin C, have been selected by this formula.

Our customers talk about it

Made in our home in Auvergne



Les résultats varient selon le mode de vie, l'alimentation et la qualité de base de l’ongle mais généralement, 2 mois de cure sont nécessaires pour des résultats mesurables. Les premiers résultats sont visibles sur la chute de cheveux lors des premiers shampoings. Grâce à la cure de 2 mois, les ongles sont plus rigides et plus forts, la qualité de l’ongle est visiblement améliorée et la pousse accélérée.

L’ongle est le reflet de notre alimentation. Pour des ongles plus forts et réparés, augmentez vos apports alimentaires en vitamine B, acides aminés soufrés et oligo-éléments. Il est également essentiel d'utiliser des soins ongulaires adaptés, sans agents agressifs pour redonner vie au bulbe ongulaire.

Pour renforcer les effets de la cure, vous pouvez aller plus loin et ajouter :
- L'Absolu Kératine > si vous souhaitez davantage renforcer l'effet anti-casse
- Le Complexe de Pousse > si vous souhaitez stimuler davantage la pousse
- Le Détox Microcirculation > si vous souhaitez favoriser l’irrigation et la nutrition de vos ongles

Oui bien sûr ! Nous recommandons 2 gélules en phase d’attaque (les 2 premiers mois de cure) ou 1 gélule en entretien (en cas de renouvellement), tout dépend de vos besoins.

Bien-sûr ! Le bulbe ongulaire est identique chez l’homme et chez la femme.

Il sera essentiel d'utiliser des soins ongulaires adaptés, clean, sans agents agressifs pour redonner vie à au bulbe ongulaire. Éviter de trop limer l’ongle et privilégier la pose de faux ongles en gel car elle ne nécessite pas de lampes UV pour se figer.

Le Complexe Ongles Parfaits contient 56 gélules végétales dans un flacon en verre.