absolu probioflore
probiotique flore intime
probiotiques flore vaginale
probiotiques infection urinaire
probiotiques femme
flore vaginale
absolu probioflore

Absolute Probioflore

Sale price24,00€

Intimate flora

Une synergie de 5 souches de probiotiques reconnues pour favoriser l’équilibre vaginal et urinaire, soulager les douleurs intimes et aider à combattre les infections urogénitales. Cette formule à 96% d'origine naturelle, associée à de la vitamine B3, est idéale pour une flore intime saine et durablement protégée.

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In women, the balance and maintenance of intimate flora is essential for their health and well-being. Tobacco, stress, insertion of an IUD, inadequate personal hygiene, pregnancy, menopause... All these circumstances can alter the balance of the vaginal flora.

An imbalance can lead to genital infections such as bacterial vaginosis or cystitis, a bladder infection affecting more than a third of women. Absolute Probioflore is a synergistic blend of 5 strains of probiotics with proven effectiveness on the relief and prevention of vaginal and urinary infections. It helps maintain healthy and sustainably protected intimate flora.


D-LAB has carefully selected 5 strains of probiotics recognized for their benefits on intimate flora : L. plantarum, L. reuteri, L. rhamnosus, L. acidophilus and B. lactis.

Strains with proven effectiveness by clinical study (which is rare!) having been developed by bio-fermentation using cutting-edge know-how that is also respectful of the environment. The manufacturing process of the capsules and the finished product is also extremely rigorous itself since the probiotic strains are overdosed and stored in a controlled environment (in particular with a water activity of 0.25%). To be sure of their effectiveness, we guarantee the right dose of probiotics in each capsule, throughout the life of the product.

Each daily dose provides a dose of probiotics of 5 billion CFU (UFC**) to allow gradually rebalance the genital microbiota. These probiotics are encapsulated in Gastro-resistant vegetable capsules in order to guarantee optimal effectiveness of the strains until their release into the intestines.

This expert formula allows lasting colonization of good bacteria in the intestine and then proliferation in the vaginal epithelium. It promotes the maintaining a healthier intimate microbiota and vaginal pH balance. Additionally, gastrointestinal colonization with probiotics promotes healthy urinary tract support in women.


  • Our probiotic strains are scientifically recognized to relieve intimate pain. They help to calm the inflammation caused by infection and significantly improve the immune system. The effectiveness of the selected strains is clinically proven: they reduce the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis, including vaginal itching, burning sensation and dry discharge. Our clinical study demonstrates an 80% reduction in vaginal dryness*.

  • vitamin B3 contributes to the maintenance of normal mucous membranes. It helps in the secretion of mucus and thus prevents vaginal dryness.
  • In Vitro study on 20 women suffering from bacterial vaginosis for 14 days.


Us probiotic strains are effective in fighting urogenital infections. They stimulate the production of mucus and are capable of producing bactericidal molecules very active against the microorganisms responsible for urogenital infections. Furthermore, they thwart the invasion microbes thanks to 3 principles:

  1. L’exclusion : Probiotics occupy the surfaces of the gastrointestinal wall and thus prevent the adhesion of microbes.
  2. The move: The presence of probiotics helps eliminate infectious microbes installed on the gastrointestinal wall.
  3. The competition: Probiotics colonize the intestinal flora more quickly than infectious microbes.

Studies in vitro have proven a strong inhibitory and synergistic activity on the pathogenic bacteria Escherichia coli which is responsible for urinary tract infection and bacterial vaginosis. Our strains are also scientifically recognized for promoting the activation of the immune response and the protection of cells.

The results


of women saw improvements in dryness, burning sensations and itching.

Decrease in urogenital infections

Learn more

* In Vitro study on 20 women suffering from bacterial vaginosis for 14 days.

The actions

Restores intimate balance

This combination of 5 strains of probiotics (L. plantarum, L. reuteri, L. rhamnosus, L. acidophilus and B. lactis) promote intimate balance.

Relieves pain related to inflammation

These probiotics provide relief from intimate pain thanks to their soothing effect on inflammation and their ability to strengthen the immune system.

Supports the balance of mucous membranes

Vitamin B3 also helps maintain the balance of mucous membranes.

Protects against urogenital infections

These strains stimulate the production of mucus and produce bactericidal molecules active against the microorganisms responsible for these infections.

Our customers talk about it

Made in our home in Auvergne



Oui, l’Absolu Probioflore contient des probiotiques reconnus scientifiquement pour traiter et soulager les infections vaginales et urinaires telles que la cystite, la vaginose ou la mycose vaginale. Il est également recommandé de l’utiliser en prévention des rechutes.

Au bout de 14 jours de cure, vous pouvez déjà observer des résultats visibles. Pour des résultats complets et durables, nous vous recommandons de suivre cette cure au moins 3 mois de suite, à renouveler plusieurs fois par an.

Prendre des probiotiques durant la grossesse facilite la digestion et la bonne assimilation des nutriments par votre organisme. Ces nutriments sont ensuite utilisés, en partie, pour assurer le développement fœtal… Mais ce n’est pas tout : les probiotiques aident aussi à combattre les problèmes de transit (constipation, diarrhée), relativement courants durant la grossesse. Enfin, certaines de ces bonnes bactéries participent activement aux défenses immunitaires, réduisant ainsi les risques d’infections durant la grossesse.

Pour optimiser les effets de la cure et maintenir l'équilibre de la flore intime, il est nécessaire de prendre soin de son hygiène intime. Évitez de laver l’intérieur du vagin avec des produits agressifs pour ne pas perturber la flore vaginale, nettoyez les zones génitales après un rapport sexuel, utilisez un savon pour la toilette intime, doux et sans parfum, rincez et séchez correctement la région génitale, buvez au moins 1,5 litres d’eau par jour et urinez fréquemment pour éviter l’accumulation des bactéries dans la vessie.

Il est recommandé de conserver les probiotiques dans un lieu sec et réfrigéré, à l’abri de la lumière et de l’humidité. Pour optimiser la conservation des probiotiques, vous pouvez les placer dans le haut du réfrigérateur.

Le format 1 mois contient 28 gélules végétales gastro-résistantes dans un flacon en verre.